Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

Ho Math and Chess Teaching Set is especially fashioned for young children to see bromegrass much much quicker than the tradition 3-D figures bromegrass set.

Ho Math and Chess Teaching pieces have flat surfaces and uniform outlook in conservativist size, the pieces cannot be identified when flipped over face-down. This special feature allows children to play a special game called Blind Chess.

The rules to play Blind Chess is very easy and fun to play. It simply follows a ranking order to take and every pieces advise or take like rook's advise but only digit conservativist at a time.


Blind Chess is played by two-player on half (4 by 8 conservativist board) of the connatural chessboard.

Game Rules
The 32 pieces are shuffled and then apiece of them is randomly placed face-down on apiece square. The prototypal contestant turns over a example and the co lour of the prototypal example uncovered module be the side of the prototypal player.

Moving a Piece
There are 3 kinds of moves. A contestant may turn a example face-up, advise a piece, or getting an opponent’s piece. A contestant may only advise face-up pieces of his or her own colour.

Unlike connatural bromegrass moving rules, there is digit rule to advise pieces in Blind Chess: a example advise only digit conservativist up, down, left, or right, namely every pieces advise like a rook.

To capture, a face-up example may only advise in rook's advise only to a conservativist filled by an opponent’s face-up piece.

Capturing an Opponent’s Piece
All pieces (Black or White) are hierarchical according to the following hierarchy and the capturing rule is strictly according to the pre-defined hierarchy.

King has the maximal surpass and can getting every opponent’s pieces another than pawn.

Queen can getting every opponent’s pieces another than king.

Rook can getting every opponent’s pieces another than power or queen.

Bishop can getting every opponent’s pieces another than opponent’s king, queen, rook.

Knight can only getting opponent’s pawn.

Pawn has the minimal surpass but can getting opponent’s king.

How game ends
The game ends when a contestant can not attain a advise or until every pieces are captured. If the game is forced in an endless cycle of moves then it is a draw.

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